MASC has worked hard over the years to develop many innovative and creative approaches to delivering quality products to its clients. The Manitoba Management Plus Program (MMPP) is one such example.
Over the years, producers have cooperated with MASC in completing comprehensive individual yield and management-related questionnaires. MMPP returns this data back to Manitoba producers in aggregated (anonymized) format to see trends, patterns and anomalies that help producers make better cropping decisions.
The Manitoba Management Plus Program has been on the Web since 1996, and makes available crop and variety yield and acreage information, arranged by municipality, risk area and soil productivity index. Additionally, crop rotation, seeding date, and cropping atlas information is also provided.
Producers can use data provided by MMPP for benchmarking, market assessments and improved farm management decision making. If you benchmark for success, MMPP can help.
Yield Manitoba
MMPP is a major contributor for Yield Manitoba, published annually by the Manitoba Cooperator. Yield Manitoba includes provincial and regional crop yield data by variety, as well as other useful management reports, to assist farmers with their annual seeding decisions.
MASC also produces and publishes cropping data that can benefit producers and assist their cropping decisions.
These maps show the average seeding dates, harvested acres and average yields of the most common crops grown in Manitoba, based on aggregate data from MASC's Seeded Acreage Reports (SARs) and Harvested Production Reports (HPRs).