Wildlife Damage Compensation


elk in field

The Wildlife Damage Compensation program has two major components — compensation for crop damage and compensation for livestock predation.

The crop damage component reduces financial losses incurred by producers for damage caused by migratory waterfowl and big game to crops, honey products, and leafcutter bee products. Compensation for crop damage due to wildlife pays a portion of the loss or damage to eligible agricultural products. Claims for losses must exceed a $100 minimum value.

Producers are not required to participate in AgriInsurance to be eligible for Wildlife Compensation. There are no premiums or administration fees involved with either component of the Wildlife Damage Compensation program.

The predation component reimburses producers for losses of domestic livestock due to predation — for a portion of the animal's commercial value (maximium of $7,000). Registered purebred livestock is valued at twice that of the commercial market animal.

Compensation for wildlife losses is 90% of the value of the loss (45% for extended grazing forages). Administration and compensation (up to 80% of the value of loss) of this program is cost-shared by the Government of Canada (60%) and the Province of Manitoba (40%). The cost of compensation above 80% is funded solely by the Province of Manitoba. The Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation administers the program on the governments' behalf.

Wildlife Damage Compensation fact sheets

Wildlife Damage Compensation program for Livestock Predation Details

This program compensates producers who suffer losses to eligible livestock due to attacks by designated natural predators.

Wildlife Damage Compensation program for Crop Damage Details

This program compensates Manitoba agricultural producers for damage caused by migratory waterfowl and big game.


Producers must take all necessary precautions to prevent wildlife damage and predator attacks, take reasonable action to mitigate any injury to livestock, and ensure that injured livestock receive prompt and professional veterinary or other treatment.

You may apply for compensation for damage to agricultural products grown and/or livestock raised in Manitoba, even if you do not have an active AgriInsurance contract.

Eligible Crops

Eligible agricultural products damaged, destroyed, or contaminated by deer, elk, bear, moose, bison, ducks, geese, or sandhill cranes are eligible for compensation, unless the wildlife or waterfowl that caused the damage is privately owned, held under authority of a permit or license, or held in captivity without lawful authority.

Eligible Seeded Crops
Wheat, oats, barley, flax, rye, canola, rapeseed, mixed grain, buckwheat, triticale, tame mustard, field peas, corn, sunflowers, edible beans, lentils, canaryseed, fababeans, soybeans, other legumes, potatoes, strawberries, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas, cooking onions, lettuce, other vegetables, tame millet, alfalfa, timothy, clovers, tame grasses, extended grazing forage
Eligible Forage Crops
  • Forage crops (excluding coarse hay) during the growing season
  • Forage crops (including coarse hay) stored for the winter
Eligible Honey Products
Honey, honeybees, beehives, and related equipment, if the damage is caused by bears
Eligible Leafcutter Products
Leafcutter eggs and larvae, field shelters, nesting materials, and equipment
Baled hay must be gathered from the field and placed in an eligible storage site, unless the bales are intentionally left for winter grazing. If bales cannot be gathered due to wet field conditions, they remain eligible for wildlife damage compensation.

Eligible Livestock

Eligible livestock injured or killed by wolves, black bear, coyotes, cougars, or foxes are eligible for compensation.

Eligible Livestock
Cattle, hogs, horses, sheep, donkeys, wild boar, goats, elk, fallow deer, bison, llamas, alpacas, ostriches, emus, and other ratites

Ineligible Crops & Livestock

An eligible product, subject to any of the following, is ineligible for this program:

  • Crops damaged after harvest (except for stored forage crops)
  • Crops susceptible to damage because of poor farming practices
  • Crops grown on land that is uninsurable for crop insurance
  • Products planted or located on public lands such as provincial or federal parks, public shooting grounds, or wildlife management areas
  • Crops used for lure or intercept feeding
  • Volunteer crops
  • Honey lost or damaged between December 1 and March 1
  • Leafcutter products lost or damaged between October 1 and May 1
  • Leafcutter bee field shelters, if the shelter was not properly secured or not in use in the field
  • Straw or other by-products
  • Loss or damage as a result of insufficient surveillance or improper storage

Livestock are ineligible if death or injury to the livestock occurs on public lands such as provincial or federal parks, public shooting grounds, or wildlife management areas.

Costs & Coverage

This program pays a portion of damage caused to eligible agricultural products (including eligible honey and leafcutter bee products). Compensation is based on crop quality and the crop's current AgriInsurance dollar value as established by MASC. Crops with Contract Price Option (CPO) coverage will receive compensation according to the CPO blended dollar value. For contaminated products, you are compensated for either the lost value of the product or the cost of mechanically removing the contaminants.

Compensation for wildlife losses is 90% (45% for extended grazed forages). The cost of the compensation above 80% is funded solely by the Province of Manitoba.

Compensation for Extended Grazing Forages is limited to 45% of the value of loss on swathed or baled crops or forage, and suitable standing annual crops (e.g. corn) that are intended for grazing.

  • Producers must have a grazing plan, and use controls (e.g. fences) to control access
  • Eligibility ends when livestock have access
  • Crop must be suitable for livestock feed

For clarity, compensation is not provided for hay left standing after it could have been harvested; stockpiling or winter grazing of hay fields; and pasture.

Compensation for Livestock

For a confirmed kill by natural predators, compensation is calculated at the applicable portion of the value of the animal killed (maximum value of $3000) as established by MASC. Purebred livestock are valued at double the commercial value. The value for young livestock may reflect their value at the earliest age that the livestock would normally be weaned.

If an animal's death cannot be confirmed as predation, but sufficient evidence indicates predation as the probable cause, the producer receives 50% of the claim value. In all cases, there must be sufficient animal remains to determine the cause or probable cause of death.

All reasonable veterinary and medical expenses (to the applicable value of the animal) incurred to treat injured livestock are covered. Should the animal die after receiving proper veterinary care, the producer may be eligible for additional compensation (to the maximum value of the livestock less the veterinary and medical expenses previously paid).

In all cases, the maximum payment for livestock compensation is limited to the applicable value or the $3000 maximum.

Compensation for Faeces Contamination in Grain

Grain that is unmarketable due to faeces contamination may qualify under the Wildlife Damage Compensation program.

Important: You must contact a within 72 hours of discovering the contamination - before any action is taken.

Grain Contaminated with Faeces Details

The Canadian grain industry standard for faeces contamination is zero tolerance. Grain that is unmarketable due to faeces contamination may qualify for compensation under the Wildlife Damage Compensation program.

Compensation for grain contaminated with faeces is dependent on actions taken by the producer:

Harvested Production

If the crop is harvested, producers must make every effort to keep production from contaminated areas separate from production from uncontaminated areas. Negligent mixing may disqualify the producer from receiving compensation. Harvested production that is contaminated must be sampled by MASC prior to disposition to verify contamination and establish marketable grade.

Producers who choose to harvest have the following options available for contaminated production in the bin:

  • Sell - Any harvested production sold at reduced values will be compensated for the difference between the price of the production's marketable grade without faeces and the actual sold value.
  • Clean - Contaminated production which is mechanically cleaned to remove the faeces qualifies for the cost of cleaning the gross production to a marketable product, to a maximum established by MASC on an annual basis (subject to the applicable compensation limitation). There is no compensation for screenings.
  • Destroy - Harvested production that is unsaleable will be compensated at the marketable grade without faeces, when MASC verifies the destruction. There is no compensation for costs of disposal. Producers must obtain written references from three different licensed grain buyers stating a denial of purchase due to faeces contamination, and provide this information to MASC prior to destroying the product.
  • Feed - Contaminated production used for feed on the claimant's farm does not qualify for compensation.
  • Seed - Contaminated production used or sold as seed does not qualify for compensation.
No compensation is available if contamination occurs after harvest (i.e. grain stored in a pile).

Unharvested Production

MASC will assess any unharvested production and determine areas where faeces contamination exists. If the producer destroys the contaminated areas, MASC will compensate for half the marketable production (reduced because the costs of harvesting and selling are not incurred). MASC must appraise the amount of production and verify that it is destroyed in the field.

For producers insured with MASC, the crop production that was lost due to wildlife damage is included as production in Individual Productivity Index (IPI) calculations, which prevents your insurance coverage from declining due to wildlife damage.

For more information about compensation for grain contaminated by faeces, please contact a .


Your local Service Centre address

Losses to crops, agricultural products, and livestock must be reported to MASC within 72 hours of discovering the loss or damage.

MASC will only compensate producers for verifiable losses. It is therefore important for you to preserve all evidence of damage to or loss of eligible agricultural products, honey products, or leafcutter bee products caused by wildlife or waterfowl. Producers must not harvest, bale, or in any way alter or damage the site until an MASC adjustor and/or the Appeal Tribunal completes its assessment.

In the event an animal is injured, it is vital that while removing the injured animal or having the animal treated, any evidence of the cause and circumstances of the injury is not disturbed until after MASC has completed its assessment. If an animal is killed, you must not remove the dead animal or otherwise destroy evidence until after MASC has completed its assessment.

Claim and Appeal Procedures

Making a Claim

To make a claim for Wildlife Damage Compensation:

  1. For predation claims, ensure any animal remains and the surrounding areas are not disturbed. If possible, cover the remains with a tarp and preserve any tracks. For claims on crop damage due to wildlife, ensure the area is left as it was discovered.
  2. Contact a . Arrangements will be made for an adjustor to visit and perform a site appraisal.
  3. An MASC adjustor will soon appraise the site. If you prefer, you can make arrangements to accompany the adjustor during the site appraisal.
  4. Once the appraisal is performed, the adjustor will fill out an appraisal form and explain it to you. If you have no objections, sign the form to initiate the payment process. Do not sign the form if you don't agree with the appraisal. A second adjustor will be assigned to provide an unbiased appraisal of the damage.
  5. You should contact Manitoba Agriculture for assistance in dealing with ongoing losses due to wildlife.

Making an Appeal

If you disagree with MASC's second assessment, you have 7 days to appeal to the Appeal Tribunal.

To appeal an assessment, the appeal form (provided by MASC) must be accompanied by a letter explaining the reason for the appeal, and must be completed and delivered or sent by a delivery service that provides proof of delivery to the Appeal Tribunal. A copy of the appeal form must also be sent or delivered to MASC.

The notice must be received by the Appeal Tribunal and MASC before the end of the 7th day after the second appraisal. A $50.00 fee (refunded if the appeal is successful) must be included with the notice sent to the Appeal Tribunal.

You may appeal:

  • MASC's decision about the cause of loss or damage to agricultural, honey, or leafcutter bee products
  • MASC's decision about the amount of production or the quantity of honey product or leafcutter bee product used to calculate the compensation payment
  • MASC's refusal to make a crop or bee compensation payment for any of the reasons stated in "Ineligible Crops and Livestock"
  • MASC's assessment of the cause of death or injury to livestock
To initiate an appeal, contact a .

Appeal Exceptions

Some issues are not subject to appeal. These include:

  • dollar values for agricultural products or the value put on livestock or bee products
  • grade guarantees or quality adjustments
  • lure crops
  • losses occurring outside of the dates set by the regulations


Canadian Agricultural Partnership Manitoba Canada
